Six down, six to go! We’ve decided to take pause here at the halfway point in the year for a quick look back at your favorite The Doctor’s Tablet posts since January.
You’ve given us plenty of feedback and visits on a variety of topics but there’s been one subject that’s been a constant hit: the medical school experience. Readers seem highly interested in the entire process, from premed to Match Day and everything in between. We even dedicated the entire month of April to medical education, dubbing it MedMo (short for medical education month), though some of the most popular content predated that effort.
Below are excerpts posts that have received the most attention from readers in terms of views, shares and comments. If you missed them the first time around we know you’ll be glad to read them now.
“Sure, the campus looks a little different now. But the fundamentals of Einstein, much like its cafeteria cookies, haven’t changed. As I move further away from med school, the memories of anatomy and Skit Night become more pixelated, but for some reason, Match Day is burned in my brain in all its high-def glory.”
–Allison Ludwig, M.D. in Match Day: When Expectations Meet Reality
“As far as physician shadowing goes, I have misgivings. I wonder whether patients are actually aware that high school or college students are present during their appointments with their physicians. Are the patients given the chance to decline? Even if given this opportunity, does the power imbalance in the physician-patient relationship inhibit them from saying no for fear of irritating their doctors?”
–Elizabeth Kitsis, M.D. in Is Physician “Shadowing” a Shady Practice?
“You look around at your classmates and you’re certain they are all smarter than you. Here’s the good news: whether they are or not really doesn’t matter much. It turns out that the keys to success are steady hard work, good time management, dedication and a healthy dose of compulsiveness.”
–Stephen G. Baum, M.D. in How to Succeed in Med School by Really Trying
What’s your favorite post so far this year? What would you like to see in the months ahead in terms of blog content, design or functionality? Leave a comment below and let us know. And thanks for being part of The Doctor’s Tablet community!