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Birth control, and family physicians’ knowledge of contraception and options counseling, are critical to caring for families. Family doctors need to be competent in providing comprehensive family planning; it is the bread and butter of primary care and preventive medicine. Let’s get real: birth control is an issue that affects everybody. Unintended pregnancy is one Read more

Six down, six to go! We’ve decided to take pause  here at the halfway point in the year for a quick look back at your favorite The Doctor’s Tablet posts since January. You’ve  given us plenty of feedback and visits on a variety of topics but there’s been one subject that’s been a constant hit Read more

Editor’s Note: This blog post was published earlier today by The Hill, on its Congress Blog. Angelina Jolie, best known as an actress and director, has recently taken center stage in a robust public discussion about genetic testing and the patentability of genetic discoveries with her revelation that she had undergone prophylactic bilateral mastectomy because Read more

“Language, time and space.” These were the barriers to providing effective diabetes education to patients that were repeatedly cited in a meeting of diabetologists, diabetic nurses and diabetes educators at a major academic medical center. Diabetes patients came to the clinic speaking a number of different languages, and often different dialects, which the doctors and Read more

With the sequester now affecting programs from Head Start to the U.S. Marine Corps, I believe that Americans should also care about its impact on medical research. Research sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has accounted for the vast majority of advances in health over the past 50 years, from preventing heart attacks Read more

Editor’s note: A recent post on The Doctor’s Tablet concerning the communication gulf between patient and doctor about sexual activity generated a lot of interest. Why is it so difficult for doctors and patients to discuss the topic openly? Here, we explore how medical education plays a key role is setting the stage for these Read more