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Med Students

              In the dire days of 1942, Winston Churchill used the phrase “the end of the beginning” to describe a turning point in World War II. These words could equally be applied to a much happier and more auspicious occasion: graduation from medical school. On May 28, the Einstein Read more

It’s no surprise that the U.S. is home to large numbers of Spanish speakers. According to the Census Bureau, in 2011 there were 38 million Spanish speakers in the U.S. Einstein’s medical Spanish program, and similar ones at other medical schools are designed to better prepare doctors for patient interactions. What you may not be Read more

Recently, while enjoying my fourth-year medical school bliss, I was invited to write this blog post about making the transition from a career in nursing to medical school. As a registered nurse with a little over four years of critical care experience, first as a staff nurse and then as a charge nurse, the idea of Read more

How do you thank someone who has given you a priceless gift? For Albert Einstein College of Medicine first-year students, the answer came in the form of the Convocation of Thanks, a solemn event at which students honored the lives of the 40 individuals who donated their whole bodies to Einstein’s first-year students, making their Read more

Here it comes, fourth-years! One of the two most exciting days in a med student’s life. After three and a half years of study and practical clinical rotations, this is the day that decides where you will be and what you will do for the next three to seven years. Yes: deep breath. As any Read more

Match Day is just three days away, and I find myself wondering—“When did I become a fourth-year?” I can’t believe it’s already here. What I’ve sensed in my fellow classmates, and in myself, is a feeling of suspension—as if we are suspended in midair, waiting to learn where we’ll spend the next few years of Read more