So, just what is physiatry (fizz-EYE-ah-tree)? Psychiatry? No. Physical therapy? No. This is a common query. You might know physiatry better by some of its other names. It’s known officially as physical medicine and rehabilitation, or PM&R; some casually refer to us as “rehab doctors.” As a fourth-year medical student entering the field, I have Read more
Med Students

EDITORS’ NOTE: It’s Match Day, when graduating medical students across the nation learn where they will spend their residencies. In this post, we hear from fourth-year student Sammy Wu. Earlier this week, Sammy learned that he’s matched for physical medicine and rehabilitation. Today he learned where his residency will take place: Zucker SOM-Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital Read more

What does writing have to do with medicine? This is a question I posed to the members of the Einstein Class of 2023 in Riklis Auditorium during their orientation a few weeks ago. They were about to spend a morning devoted to reflective writing—first hearing my talk and then attending a small-group session where, under Read more

Editors’ note: The transition from college to medical school has been described as being akin to the difference between drinking water from a garden hose and drinking from a fire hose. There’s an overwhelming amount of new information, surroundings, concepts, and emotions to grapple with. During Orientation week, Einstein faculty and associates shared their thoughts Read more

Sometimes, events we consider insignificant turn out to have a long-lasting impact. I was reminded of this recently when I received an email from Erin, a graduate of our pediatric residency training program. She wrote to remind me about a visit we’d made years before to the Bronx Zoo. Though I’d barely remembered that trip Read more

Editors’ Note: We recently spoke with Charles Pan, a third-year M.D. student at Einstein, about his volunteer work with the Einstein Enrichment Program (EEP). EEP is part of a New York State–funded enrichment program called STEP (Science Technology Entry Program), which encourages high school students from groups that have historically been underrepresented in the medical Read more