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Med Students

Students listening to a lecture

After reading Melvin Joice’s February 2015 post on The Doctor’s Tablet, I have reflected a great deal on my role as a medical educator. Reading his post about how my words in that early lecture in ICM (Introduction to Clinical Medicine) were heard and internalized by this first-year student was a great gift to me Read more

Editors’ Note: This summer, six students from Albert Einstein College of Medicine will travel to Soroti, Uganda, to treat diabetes as part of Einstein’s Global Diabetes Institute (GDI). During this period, we will run a series of posts detailing their challenges and progress. In this post, the institute’s program manager, Anneka Wickramanayake, explains the missions and Read more

For many students, volunteering at the Einstein Community Health Outreach (ECHO) Free Clinic is the first time we get to palpate an abdomen, listen to abnormal heart sounds or even learn to draw blood. These are skills required for us to become physicians, but learning these skills isn’t the reason that most Albert Einstein College Read more

Albert Einstein College of Medicine population health and the practice of medicine (PHPM) students

Editors’ Note: This blog post is part of a series of posts on a new longitudinal-theme medical education program at Albert Einstein College of Medicine: the Population Health and the Practice of Medicine (PHPM) curriculum. A faculty working group developed a map distinguishing where PHPM topics were already covered in our current curriculum. In other Read more

Homeless person sitting at base of steps

Every Saturday morning, I see patients at the Bronx Transitions Clinic, which serves formerly incarcerated individuals. For most of my patients who are coming home from prison, acquiring stable housing and employment is a higher priority than managing their chronic illnesses. As a primary care physician, I may not be able to offer them jobs Read more

Pediatrician examines child

Editors’ Note: This week is Match Week, the long-awaited yearly event when graduating medical students across the country learn if they match to a residency program and, if so, where they’ve been accepted. Earlier this week, we heard from a student who matched in January. In this post, we hear from a student gripped by suspense over Read more