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Medical School

Signs showing 2016 in red and 2017 green

At the end of each year, we look back at The Doctor’s Tablet and share some of our most popular pieces from the previous 12 months. Our faculty, student and staff contributors wrote some terrific posts, but the three below stood out and attracted the most attention from readers. Each of these posts relates a Read more

What can I do to help? It’s a daunting question that ―in light of recent domestic and world events― seems increasingly difficult to answer properly. Some actions seem beyond reach and others feel as if they might be trite gestures that fail to accomplish much of anything. And yet, we hear stories almost daily at Read more

A recent publication by the Association of American Medical Colleges reports that only 4 percent of physicians in the U.S. are black, and that there were fewer black men enrolled in medical school in 2014 than in 1978. This striking and disheartening shortage holds serious consequences for all of society. Studies show that less diversity amongst physicians has major implications for healthcare disparities, and negatively Read more

In June, the American Medical Association passed a resolution calling for an end to the clinical portion of the licensing exam required for all physicians in the U.S. The impetus for this was a group of medical students understandably unhappy about the exam’s expense ($1,275) and the cost to travel to one of the five Read more

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I first became interested in the history of medicine in middle school, when my seventh-grade science teacher lent me her copy of Microbe Hunters by Paul de Kruif. It is a small book, focusing on the struggles and discoveries of early microbiologists. Now, as I write this post, my own old, battered, well-thumbed copy sits Read more

People believe that the process of becoming a physician is the natural reward for those who have an aptitude in science and a willingness to work hard. For many of us, however, it’s not always that easy. Along the way to realizing our dream, some of us wind up hitting a pothole or two. When this happens, help Read more