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Many people suffer routinely from chronic sleep problems, attributing them to stress, children, pets or a snoring bed partner. A poor night’s sleep leaves you feeling miserable. You’re tired, irritable and not so sharp when working the next day. However, there can be many more serious consequences from a rough night of sleep than just Read more

Public health seeks to prevent disease, prolong life and promote health. Sometimes this requires population-wide interventions that are meant to have benefits but also might cause harm to some. When a single-minded focus on anticipated benefits fails to consider potential risks, our well-meaning efforts may cause more harm than good. This critically important fact is Read more

I will do anything not to be in a hospital bed. I checked myself out as quickly as I could each time I was admitted (three obstetrical admissions) and once, after a day-surgery procedure, got in trouble with the recovery room nurse because she found me out of bed, getting dressed, before I was supposed Read more

Editor’s note: A recent post on The Doctor’s Tablet concerning the communication gulf between patient and doctor about sexual activity generated a lot of interest. Why is it so difficult for doctors and patients to discuss the topic openly? Here, we explore how medical education plays a key role is setting the stage for these Read more

The patients had undergone workups and appointments with hematology experts. Most of them did not have sickle cell disease or other exotic red blood cell problems. What they had was the usual, run-of-the-mill iron deficiency—the kind most pregnant women exhibit in a mild form. But their iron deficiency was so profound, and of such long Read more

Editors’ Note: A recent New York Times article on the benefits of psychotherapy for the elderly generated a lot of discussion. It led us to wonder: What benefits might such therapy have, not only for the elderly who seek it, but also for their caregivers and families? Geriatric psychiatrist Gary Kennedy shares his thoughts. Can Read more