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“To go organic or not to go organic?” That is the question; it often pops up when there’s a conversation about food. No wonder, because even Walmart carries organic produce now, a sure sign that the organic idea has hit mainstream America. More than just produce, organic foods can be meat, dairy foods and grains Read more

Diabetes is not just “a touch of sugar.” It is a serious disease that at the time of diagnosis has the same long-term implications as those for someone having a heart attack. But in order to manage and treat type 2 diabetes, we need to stop chasing high blood sugar. That doesn’t work. Instead, we Read more

It happened in Ohio to a nine-year-old boy. He weighed 218 pounds; his mother was offered help, he didn’t lose weight and he was removed from his home. Is a mother who allows her son to become morbidly obese guilty of a form of abuse? That’s for the legal eagles to decide, but I’d say Read more

Medicare now covers nutrition counseling for obesity. My first reaction was, “high time!” With two out of three adults already overweight or obese, weight management is arguably the largest health problem we face in this country. It amazes me that it took so long for Medicare (and the Congress that funds it) to realize it Read more of Medicare’s Flawed Obesity Counseling Coverage

The idea of regulating sugar was proposed recently by several researchers from the University of California who cited studies suggesting that sugar was “associated with” (not the same as “has caused”) a rise in conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. As a practitioner, I share their frustration about the obesity epidemic, but regulating sugar Read more

Just three days after walking away with six Grammys and mesmerizing audiences with her glamorous new look and spectacular performance following throat surgery– pop phenom Adele is now facing controversy. The 23-year old London-born singer graces the current cover of Vogue magazine looking chiseled and significantly thinner than she does in real life. Inside, she Read more