A new year brings an opportunity to reflect on and reevaluate our lives. When you’re a registered dietitian/nutritionist, it’s also time to review food trends for 2017. That’s why I look forward to the annual “What’s Trending in Nutrition,” a survey from Pollock Communications based on interviews with thousands of registered dietitians. Here’s the survey’s Read more

When I was much younger and trying to decide what to do with my life, I thought I wanted to be a lawyer. That changed the day my high school civics class held a mock trial and I was selected as the “prosecutor.” Almost immediately, I discovered I didn’t have the makeup to be a Read more

After 25 years as a developmental pediatrician, I think I have earned the right to claim a favorite developmental milestone. Certainly, the first smiles of a two- to three-month-old are quite special, the first signs of “life” so to speak. Of course, first steps and then the first words really grab the spotlight, warranting phone Read more

Some things don’t get easier with time and experience. Telling parents that their young child has autism is one of those things. Even after nearly 25 years as a developmental pediatrician specializing in the early diagnosis of autism, sharing that news with a family remains one of the toughest tasks I face. A variety of Read more

I get an hour to teach Albert Einstein College of Medicine third-year students a formal lecture in obstetrics during their six-week rotations, so I cram in a lot of information during that session. Of course, I spend more time with them informally; we see patients together on labor and delivery, or in clinic at Montefiore Read more

Editor’s Note: This holiday season, parents of young children can thank a group of doctor advocates for making the season safer. Dr. Bryan J. Rudolph of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center describes efforts that resulted in drastically reducing the number of dangerous magnetic toys in the marketplace. As practicing pediatric gastroenterologists Read more