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Sometimes being a doctor in an urban area such as the Bronx means you see all the things you can’t do for your patients. What do you do when what you can accomplish in the office isn’t nearly enough for your patients? * * * A 16-year-old comes to see you for prenatal care. She lives with Read more

One of my favorite aspects of my developmental pediatrics practice at the  Children’s Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center (CERC) at Einstein is that I have the opportunity to follow children and their families in the clinic over the long term—often for many years. Because I am the director of the Infant and Toddler Team, that may sound Read more

The conversation parents dread even more than the one about the birds and the bees? It’s the one about their kids’ weight. Sure, the facts-of-life talk is awkward and needs to be age-appropriate and you want your facts straight, but it’s different when you’re talking to your kids about what they weigh. Your children never Read more

Most of us know schools as institutions of learning, usually associated with “the three Rs,” but now schools in 19 states are reporting progress on another subject: “BMI”—body mass index. These schools are measuring the heights and weights of students to determine BMI, a measure of weight based on height, then sending home letters to Read more

I recently returned from a 10-day vacation from my position as a developmental pediatrician. I specialize in the early identification and management of autism at Einstein’s Children’s Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center. The night before returning to work, I decided to check my voicemail. Since my last vacation, a new office voicemail system had been installed Read more

Most parents know that their children tend to be irritable when overtired, but one of Einstein’s fellows in developmental and behavioral pediatrics, Rebecca Scharf, M.D., wondered whether children who sleep less have worse behavior in general. Before we conducted a study published in the July/August issue of the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, which I Read more