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Student Posts

Pediatrician examines child

Editors’ Note: This week is Match Week, the long-awaited yearly event when graduating medical students across the country learn if they match to a residency program and, if so, where they’ve been accepted. Earlier this week, we heard from a student who matched in January. In this post, we hear from a student gripped by suspense over Read more

Surgeon Wearing Mask And Magnifying Glasses Holding Scalpel

Editors’ Note: This week is Match Week, the long-awaited yearly event when graduating medical students across the country learn if they match to a residency program and, if so, where they’ve been accepted. This week we hear from two students with a different take on Match Day, held on Friday, March 20. On January 13, while Read more

I am wearing my favorite scrubs, the teal ones a friend gave to me while I was volunteering in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake. My first-year classmates and I are in front of the anatomy lab at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, waiting to see our cadaver for the first time. Our group enters Read more

Handing baton from one person to another

Editors’ Note: An essay by Albert Einstein College of Medicine second-year medical student William Malouf, “Redefining Professionalism in an Era of Residency Work-Hour Limitations,” was recently named winner of the 2014 American Medical Association Journal of Ethics’ John Conley Ethics Essay Contest. The following is an excerpt adapted from the complete essay. The viewpoints expressed in Read more

Med students studying together in a library

My route to medical school was fraught with arguments against going: “You won’t have time to enjoy life,” “You’ll be in debt” and, possibly the most alarming, “You know that 50 percent of physicians are burned out, right?” Bombarded with such discouraging thoughts and potentially bleak prospects, I have often questioned what drove me to Read more

The blisteringly cold and windy November Sunday of the 2014 TCS New York City Marathon felt like any other day in my life as a third-year medical student. I arose before sunlight and journeyed to a new, unfamiliar place to await its start. Staten Island—the hub of enlivened, eager participants at the beginning of the Read more