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Student Posts

Albert Einstein College of Medicine Class of 2018 MDs walking to an event

Editors’ Note: This post was originally published in August, 2014. Given the arrival of new students on campus, we are sharing the post again so that members of the class of 2022 can benefit from the lessons on thriving in medical school that contains. To the incoming Albert Einstein College of Medicine Class of 2018 Read more

What do you picture when you think of a doctor or scientist? We imagined that ninth graders at the Pelham Lab High School in the Bronx might see doctors and scientists as we do: altruistic, hard-working, smart, hip and even fun. We were wrong. Instead, according to these students asked to draw their impressions, doctors Read more

When a child is admitted to the hospital, you can usually count on three things. Time seems suspended. There’s often apprehension. And there’s seldom enough to keep a child’s curious mind occupied and his or her spirits lifted. Family members are present and the hospital’s medical staff is focused on providing medical care—both of which Read more

Every month I walk up to Pelham Parkway in the Bronx and ride the Bx12 select bus to the Fordham section to visit my patient. She is a warm-hearted, middle-aged woman who has multiple chronic medical conditions and no longer works as a result. She spends her time watching her neighbor’s children and involving herself Read more

I first heard about Partners in Health (PIH) in college after a friend recommended Mountains Beyond Mountains, a book about Paul Farmer’s volunteer experience in Haiti as a medical student. He later co-founded PIH. The book’s descriptions of Haitian communities suffering from preventable and treatable diseases such as tuberculosis and malnutrition were striking. I felt driven to Read more

Can better performance in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) result in healthier kids in the Bronx?  This is a question three of my friends at Einstein (Rohan Biswas, Kevin Shieh, Andrew Johnston) and I thought closely about and researched when we created Hoops 4 Health in the winter of 2013. Our goal with Hoops Read more