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Student Posts

I am not a doctor. I haven’t spent much time working in hospitals. That made working at a malaria research ward in the African country of Malawi a challenge—and an experience that continues to inspire me. I’m a fourth-year Ph.D. student performing my thesis research in the laboratory of Dr. Johanna Daily. What drew me Read more

Editors’ Note: Almost 500,000 premature babies are born in the United States each year, and those infants often struggle during their first hours and days of life. To help offer comfort to both “preemies” and their frequently exhausted parents, Einstein medical students banded together to form the Cuddling Club, a group of more than 30 students Read more

Like Alice entering Wonderland, the medical student making the transition from the second to the third year is faced with a fabulous array of beings and environments that are bewildering despite the seemingly endless hours of classroom learning and the dozens of “practice” patients examined during the “basic-science” years. Fundamentally, knowledge introduced in the first Read more

He was a young man: 33 years old. When I entered the emergency room, I could see that he was gravely ill and struggling to breathe. Although he was surrounded by family, he looked afraid. His family members confided in me that they could barely recognize him, as he had become so desperately thin in Read more