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Student Posts

Author standing in front of a poster presentation

I have always thought that one of my main purposes in life is to make other people’s life journeys easier. This was especially true whenever the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” arose. Growing up, I’d thought of four possibilities: being a chef, a journalist, a scientist, or a teacher Read more

Elise V. Mike, M.D./Ph.D.

Social justice has been woven into the fabric of Albert Einstein College of Medicine since the institution opened its doors to everyone, regardless of gender, race, or creed, in 1955. I chose to pursue my M.D./Ph.D. training at Einstein because of its mission to improve health through scientific and clinical excellence and community engagement. Though Read more

stethoscope tubing forms outline of a gun

EDITORS’ NOTE: This post first appeared on KevinMD. When I was twelve years old, I was at a friend’s house with a couple of classmates. The four of us were roaming the rural property, which belonged to my friend’s grandfather. We climbed through cars in an abandoned junkyard, tested our balance on some railroad tracks Read more

My final year at Einstein has looked very different from the fourth year I had prepared for, but it has also reinforced for me the role I can play in medicine. A little over a year ago, during a dedicated research year, I was working on a project investigating cardiac complications in children with obstructive Read more

Young woman doctor wearing mask looking at camera with other doctors (blurry) talking in background

Editors’ Note: In their third year, students at Einstein take part in the Patients, Doctors and Communities course, in which they come together to reflect on and discuss what they’ve experienced on the wards. One of those students, Rachel Mirsky, shared a poem she devoted to the unique struggles she experienced. In her introduction to Read more

My mother bought The Little Prince for me when I was nine years old. It’s nearly twenty years later, and that book is dog-eared and heavily underlined, its cover marked by countless coffee mugs like rings in a tree—and is currently nestled on my nightstand even as I’ve transitioned into life in medical school. In it, Antoine Read more