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To put it simply, I’m scared by news headlines and conversations about the climbing rates of maternal mortality among Black women. I’m not surprised, however. As an internist, I regularly marvel at the advances that have been made in Western medicine, yet I pause and wonder why, in our profession, we continually get this mortality Read more

Division of Substance Abuse Doctor and Patient

EDITORS’ NOTE: On Tuesday, a daylong conference, “On the Front Lines of the Opioid Epidemic: 50 Years of Leadership and Innovation at Montefiore-Einstein,” will be held at Einstein and Montefiore. The event will feature guests as well as Einstein and Montefiore staff and faculty members and patients sharing insights about the opioid epidemic. In connection Read more

What does writing have to do with medicine? This is a question I posed to the members of the Einstein Class of 2023 in Riklis Auditorium during their orientation a few weeks ago. They were about to spend a morning devoted to reflective writing—first hearing my talk and then attending a small-group session where, under Read more

I’m often asked, “How do you cure stuttering?” This question is charged with judgment. It renders stuttering a black-and-white issue, ignoring the condition’s many complexities. It is a view that polarizes the matter completely: stuttering = bad; fluency = good. This dichotomy is missing a glaring piece―the individual. So let’s view stuttering in a more Read more

Editors’ Note: This is an excerpt from an opinion piece written by Einstein faculty member Dr. Lynne Holden. It first appeared on City Limits.org. At a time when there are threats to an overburdened healthcare system that is barely serving a large segment of the population and when health disparities are great, there is an urgent Read more

Editors’ Note: Today, Einstein M.D/Ph.D. student Peter John was named a winner of the 2019 Lasker Foundation Essay Contest for his entry titled, “Making it All Fun and Games in the Biomedical Sciences”—and we’re pleased to share his entry on The Doctor’s Tablet. The Lasker Foundation, which supports medical research by celebrating research excellence, education Read more