Roberta was a successful healthcare provider working in emergency services at a hospital in Pennsylvania. Eighteen months ago she changed jobs, with a salary increase and greater responsibilities, to run the sexual-assault survivor services at her hospital. The new role entailed daily immersion in the stories and emotional and medical aftermath of sexual assault. Sixteen Read more

As I was preparing for a parent conference, gathering information on autism and making copies to provide to the parents, I realized I was anxious. My stomach was in knots and I asked myself why I was nervous. It dawned on me that I was getting ready once again to tell parents that their child has autism. My Read more

I was asked the other day by an informatician (who is not a patient of mine) what role “touch” plays in medicine. What can I, as a physician, learn from touching a patient that cannot be acquired in some other way—for example, via chart review, screen or glance, stethoscope or digital imaging, or any of Read more

As a clinical pathologist I have been fortunate over the years to encounter many Einstein medical students in diverse settings—“career speed dating,” lectures, didactic small groups, and even pathology rotations. They are invariably surprised when I describe both my career path and the scope of my daily clinical practice. That surprise often stems from misunderstandings Read more

EDITORS’ NOTE: The following post first appeared in MedPage Today. For thousands of medical students, years of hard work will culminate this week as Match Day 2023 marks the end of their undergraduate medical education and the start of their residency program. Many newly minted physicians will soon pack up their belongings and move to new institutions Read more

EDITORS’ NOTE: The following post first appeared in The Conversation. Social ballroom dancing can improve cognitive functions and reduce brain atrophy in older adults who are at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. That’s the key finding of my team’s recently published study in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. In our study, we Read more