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Student Posts

Female doctor talking to teen girl sitting on exam table

Every Monday during my first year of medical school I joined a team of psychiatrists for Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM)—a course focused on developing patient-communication skills. While similar courses abound across the country, I found myself initially doubting the possibility that a class could make someone a better communicator. Wasn’t this an innate skill Read more

Editors’ Note: Today, Einstein M.D/Ph.D. student Peter John was named a winner of the 2019 Lasker Foundation Essay Contest for his entry titled, “Making it All Fun and Games in the Biomedical Sciences”—and we’re pleased to share his entry on The Doctor’s Tablet. The Lasker Foundation, which supports medical research by celebrating research excellence, education Read more

Nationally, more than a third of basic-science doctoral candidates do not finish their training. Pursuing basic-science research is extremely difficult, and I struggled to complete my dissertation. My doctoral research focused on stem cells and their role in the spread of breast cancer. I thought my undergraduate and master’s degree training in mechanical and aerospace Read more

the author, second from left, his brother From left to right, Sadaab (to his left), his dad Ashraf, and younger brother Sadat

In my eight months at Einstein, I’ve often been struck by a painting of Maimonides on campus. The artwork features him holding pages of a book that say, “Teach thy tongue to say I do not know and thou shalt progress.” That quote resonates with me more each day. As a first-year M.D. student, I’ve Read more

portrait of hands. one hand holding a walker and another on top of that hand in a caring gesture

In the summer between my first and second year of medical school I worked on a series of written pieces while interning at Pulse, an online magazine of stories, poems, and art devoted to  sharing the healthcare experience from all perspectives, created by healthcare professionals and patients alike. For this project, titled Encounters, I sat Read more

Profile photo of Charles Pan, 3rd year M.D. student. Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Editors’ Note: We recently spoke with Charles Pan, a third-year M.D. student at Einstein, about his volunteer work with the Einstein Enrichment Program (EEP). EEP is part of a New York State–funded enrichment program called STEP (Science Technology Entry Program), which encourages high school students from groups that have historically been underrepresented in the medical Read more