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Student Posts

Editors’ Note: This summer, six students from Albert Einstein College of Medicine have traveled to Soroti, Uganda, to treat diabetes as part of Einstein’s Global Diabetes Institute (GDI). During this period, we are featuring a series of posts detailing their challenges and progress. In this post, second-year M.D. student Jayson Lian shares his experiences with Read more

Recording diabetes information in Uganda using a test strip

Editors’ Note: This summer, six students from Albert Einstein College of Medicine have traveled to Soroti, Uganda, to treat diabetes as part of Einstein’s Global Diabetes Institute (GDI). During this period, we will run a series of posts detailing their challenges and progress. In this post, second-year M.D. student Jeannie Tran shares her thoughts about Read more

plane cockpit and blue sky

Editors’ Note: This afternoon, May 28, 2015, Albert Einstein College of Medicine will hold its 57th commencement at 3 p.m. at Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall. This is the second of two posts profiling students who’ve taken unique paths to Einstein and found great opportunity once here. Congrats to all graduates!” Every morning, after I listened Read more

She still calls me, even though it is a long-distance call from Jamaica. She feels much better after a lifetime of unexplained feelings of panic, racing heart and sweating. The former nurse I helped care for at Jacobi on my third-year medicine rotation had finally been diagnosed and treated for a pheochromocytoma (a tumor of Read more

For many students, volunteering at the Einstein Community Health Outreach (ECHO) Free Clinic is the first time we get to palpate an abdomen, listen to abnormal heart sounds or even learn to draw blood. These are skills required for us to become physicians, but learning these skills isn’t the reason that most Albert Einstein College Read more

Child's hands reaching up

It was the boy who was unable to speak who ended up teaching me the most. I was seeing patients in the epilepsy clinic at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore during my neurology rotation as part of my fourth-year training at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The attending physician with whom I was working, an Read more