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Women’s Health

breakfast featuring potassium rich foods on a light background

The American Heart Association journal Stroke published an article this afternoon that reinforces the importance of sufficient potassium intake in reducing risk for the most common type of stroke. The study involved more than 90,000 postmenopausal women aged 50 to 79, who were followed for an average of 11 years. Compared with women who ate Read more

Pregnant woman with doctor

There are doctors that patients see. And there are the doctors that patients almost never see. Patients see me, an obstetrician, at prenatal visits, in the ultrasound unit, or on the labor floor. But they don’t see all the wise radiologists reviewing their imaging studies, or the educated pathologist assessing whether their biopsy is cancerous Read more

Doctors, hospitals and judges have over the years attempted to control the decisions of pregnant women. In a recent Florida case, it’s not clear whether the controllers sought to protect the fetus, the woman or both. They may have wanted to protect the hospital from potential liability. The case involved a 39-week-pregnant woman. According to Read more

When I graduated from my residency, far from my current professional home in the Montefiore/Einstein system, I wanted to write a book called How Not to Get Yelled At in the Operating Room. Or How to Clear the Fear from Your OR.  I had these titles in mind because I struggled so much during my Read more

She asked me, “Is it okay to laugh?” My patient Linda, who was only 12 weeks pregnant, had just had a chorionic villus sampling, or CVS. During this procedure, a small piece of placenta (chorionic villi) is removed via a long, thin needle inserted into the woman’s uterus, and then the sample is sent to Read more

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal describes a couple’s decision to use preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to see whether the woman’s embryos had the BRCA gene, a mutation linked to breast cancer. PGD enables embryos created by in vitro fertilization (IVF) to be inspected for a variety of genetic conditions, so that only Read more